LeetCode 67: Add Binary
Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string). For example, a = "11"
, b = "1"
, Return "100"
Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string). For example, a = "11"
, b = "1"
, Return "100"
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
Write a function that takes a string as input and reverse only the vowels of a string.
Write a program to check whether a given number is an ugly number. Ugly numbers are positive numbers whose prime factors only include 2, 3, 5.
Given a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters ‘ ‘, return the length of last word in the string.
Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.3999 / 3999 test cases passed.